The Perfect Gift for Valentine's Day

Looking for that perfect gift for Valentine's Day?  Of course, Teleflora has you covered!  I received the  Love's Passion Bouquet by Teleflora and it is beautiful! It was full of red roses, red tulips, and white lilies in a gorgeous Love's Passion red vase.  I was in awe of the beauty of this arrangement. 

Teleflora always delivers the most beautiful flowers.   Since every Teleflora bouquet is professionally-arranged by a local florist, you can guarantee that every petal of your bouquet is freshly cut, carefully prepared and hand-made with love. Celebrate your loved ones with Teleflora’s “Hand-Made with Love” Valentine’s Day  this year with a floral gift that arrives straight from YOUR heart.

Check out the bouquets below and order your favorite from Teleflora or call (800)-493-5610.

Teleflora’s Shining Heart Bouquet (Available on for $79.95)
Lavish your Valentine with a gift that arrives straight from the heart! This radiant and stylish bouquet presents a vibrant mixed array of rich, red roses, purple alstromeria, huckleberry, and other lush floral stems professionally arranged within a shimmering red keepsake vase with satin finish that’s adorned with a sparkling rhinestone heart.          

Love’s Passion Bouquet by Teleflora (Available on for $99.95)
Heat up the romance and passion with this stunning floral arrangement that is sure to capture your Valentine’s attention. This striking bouquet features a bountiful display of classic red roses, tulips, and white Asiatic lilies nestled within an elegant, luscious red glass vase with a modern twist design for your sophisticated lady.

Teleflora’s True Lovelies Bouquet (Available on for $54.95)
Deliver a special surprise to your Valentine sweetheart with this delightful bouquet that will make their heart dance knowing they are “loved.”  This pretty pink bouquet dazzles with deep red roses, delicate pink alstroemeria, seeded eucalyptus, and other fresh blooms that arrive in a feminine, blush-pink playful keepsake vase with gold metallic script.

Teleflora’s Swirling Heart Bouquet (Available on for $54.95)
Celebrating a beloved friendship or that cherished family member that is closest to your heart, gift them with this charming floral bouquet that is sure to brighten their day and deliver a smile. Dark pink and red roses and carnations present a chic ombre floral look that arrives in a glazed stoneware container featuring an artisanal-style heart design.

A photo posted by CyndieReviewz (@cyndienzach) on

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