
Can you say happy?

I am so happy I was able to get the Autism Awareness Bear for my son from Build A Bear. I had called my local store and was told there was a limited supply so I decided I would try to get it online. I found it online and even found a $10 off code. It shipped quick and came in the cutest box.

The bear is ao cute in his Autism Awareness tshirt, jeans, and sneakers.

And, as you can see my son was so happy and excited to get the Autism Awareness Build A Bear.

$1 from the proceeds from the Autism Awareness Build A bears will go to Autism Speaks! If you would like to check out the entire line of Autism Awareness Build A Bears GO HERE


My 1 in 50

Updated 2021

April is Autism Awareness Month and tomorrow is World Autism Awareness Day. I feel like I ought to say something profound. The truth is, I live with autism every day. It is "normal" to me. The CDC says the numbers are 1in 50 school-age kids now. So, maybe it will be "normal" to you soon too. Those of you who have met my son know that he is not a statistic. He is a CHILD. an ADULT. Zachary is a beautiful little boy young man who happens to be autistic. He is funny and sweet and has overcome more in the past few years than most people do in a lifetime. He doesn't speak very well, but he communicates in very creative ways. He struggles every day to do things such as eating a meal, grip a pencil, and brush his hair. But, he never gives up. And he has taught me more than I will ever teach him. Tomorrow is just another day for us--we try to make the world aware every day. Next step? Acceptance.

I wrote this in 2013 and it is now 2021.   Zachary is now 18.  While some things have improved, some things remain the same.  My son is non-verbal.  That means he does not talk.  He is a senior in high school.  He has made great strides academically and scored REALLY WELL on the same tests they gave other 11th graders.  I was blown away. 

But, Zachary will never get his driver's license, he will never be able to live on his own.  But, that is okay.  He is still the smart, loving, funny person he always was.  He loves to dance and he loves the beach!

There is no medication that will "cure" him.  He has his good days and he has his bad days, just like the rest of us.  But, the stigma is still there.  People stare.  People glare.   But, I surround him with people who care.  He has a loving family and a wonderful teacher(SHOUT OUT to Mrs. Christie Berry).

I will never stop advocating for him!

Here is Zachary today:

This picture was taken before I even had a clue what autism was:

Please bring awareness to autism. This is my 1 in 50!

Zachary 2021


Light It Up Blue for Autism Awareness

1 in 50 children are diagnosed with autism. One is mine. In honor of World Autism Awareness day on April 2, 2013, I will be lighting it up blue in honor of my son, Zachary, who has autism. I hope you will all join me in bringing awareness to autism so that we may one day find a cure. I have purchased blue light bulbs , I have an autism key chain, necklace, bracelet, and t-shirt to name a few. All of the items I have purchased give back to the autism community by having a portion of their proceeds going to funding autism research. Will you please join me in lighting it up blue for autism awareness?

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